December 21, 2008

Meet Lassie the Turtle

Dear Sasha,

I see you have been a good girl this year! Your Mommy and Daddy told me all about your adventures in Canada and Taiwan. I know you like to learn and explore the world of animals and insects. Please be kind to all living creatures. I am going to give you a big responsibility: I want you to take care of my pet turtle.

Remember to feed her, play with her and keep her clean. It is a big job and I know you can do it. Please choose a good name for her.

Be a good listener and a good friend at home and at school. Remember to always smile for Daddy's pictures and laugh at Mommy's funny jokes!

Ho Ho Ho,
Santa Claus

December 17, 2008

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I carried a caterpillar to my school. Then I put it on the leaf. Then I bring it home to show the boys and girls. Then I play with it in my paper. Then Mommy put it out in the yogurt cup. I show the boys and girls again. Then Mommy put it outside in the big flowerpot. Then it crawl in the flowerpot.

December 13, 2008

Sasha and the Snail

I found a snail near my school. It got stripes like a zebra and a cheetah and a tiger. And it's different like other snails. And I keep it in my home couple days. Then the snail crawled out and Daddy saw the snail. Then we watch it. And Mommy poke it with a pen. Then the snail go back in its shell. Then the snail go down the yogurt cup. Then the snail are frightened. Then we put to another place.

A Letter from Santa Claus

I got a letter from Santa. I'm happy and excited to get the letter from Santa. I'm happy to get the gift from Santa. I remember I got the recorder and the string puppet when I was 5 years old (last year). And I danced with Santa in my big school last year.

Thank you, Santa!

December 10, 2008

A Little Grasshopper

Today I saw a grasshopper. And the grasshopper will run away off my hands. Then I put the grasshopper into a yogurt cup, then I covered it with a tissue and let a hole out.

Then I bring the grasshopper into the car. Then the grasshopper jumped around the car! Then Daddy drive.

Then I bring the grasshopper home. And the grasshopper jumped around the yogurt cup again. Then I put a grape skin into the yogurt cup.

Tomorrow I will put the grasshopper into my school for Show and Tell for my friends to see. And touch. Then I'll put back the grasshopper.

- Sasha

November 30, 2008

Six Years Old

Birthday wishes to Sasha on her sixth!