January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year in the Taiwan Countryside

I see 素蓮阿姨 (Aunt Su-Lien) in 員林縣 (Yuan-Lin County). I picked beans and I watched farmers plant rice in the field. I ride bicycle. I race bicycles. I go for a walk. I put things in underground and we put dirt on top of it. We put sweet potatoes and eggs and corn and one chicken [into the clay oven]. We go fishing. And then we ate them. Then we all put our things in the car to go home.

January 26, 2009

Turtle Obedience School

I'm going to bring Lassie to the circus. Then I'm going to tell her what to do. I will tell her to spin on one nail. Then I'm going to spin her on one of her hands. Then I will spin faster and faster. Then I will let go of her and put her outside in the circus. I will teach her how to jump on a trampoline -- on one nail. Then I'm going to take a top and spin and I will put Lassie on it. I will put her on the sharpy, pointy stump. Then I'm going to start to spin. Then she have to spin on one nail. I will put her on the acrobat. I will let her spin on the acrobat with one nail. I will let her try flying! Then I will tell her fly everywhere she wants to go...

The audience will say, "Super Turtle!"

January 4, 2009

Sasha Had a Little Lamb

I go to 誠品 [Xin Yi Eslite Bookstore] store at Taipei. I ate my lunch. Then I go to choose a lamb. I made a lamb. The craft teacher teach me how to make a lamb. Then I started to make it. I make raindrops. I put clay on the head. Then I make the little ears. Then the teacher give me some beads. Then I make the feet, pink and white. Then the teacher gives me green for the grass. Then I smooth it like a little ball. Then I mushed it to flat. Then I used a brush to beat it. Then I put some flowers on it. I put it in a bag and I bring it home.

January 1, 2009


I love to do homework. My homework is reading, writing, colouring and we do it at home. I draw my picture, turtle's picture and Mommy's picture. Then we finished. I love doing homework with Mommy and Daddy.