July 2, 2009

School Field Trip to the Beach

When we go to the beach, we walked a little bit. Then we put on our water wings. We ran in the water and play. I feel my bum is a little uncomfortable -- because there is a clam under my bum bum! I picked the clam up and give it to a boy. The boy picked it up and did a tunnel for the water to come up and he throw all the clams in and all the clams go swimming. Then we go play in the sand and I tried to make sand balls but it didn't work. I tried it with water, but it still didn't work.

June 4, 2009

I See Many Toads

One day it was very rainy. We saw five toads on the steps in our school's courtyard. The toads like to stay wet and cool. We saw one hopping about. All the bugs and snails were out because it was rainy. Why they will get out is because the toads will get lots and lots of food and stay plump.

May 30, 2009

Dragon Boat Holiday at Fu Long Beach 福隆

We take a train. I go with Ting Ting and we play sand balls. We play water in the beach, too. It is hot and sunny. I have a good time!

May 28, 2009

April 16, 2009

Poetry for Spring

I tell the teacher, "Spring is on leaves." Because the leaves all grow up on trees.

We go to see spring! This is my class poem:

April 6, 2009

Exploring Keelung's Coastal Tidal Pools (八斗子)

I pick up a crab and I saw a lot of snail shells and some hermit crabs crawling around up on the rocks. I saw a few sea cockroaches, too. It was sunny. Then it rained a little.

March 12, 2009

The Giant Grasshopper

I saw a huge, great big, humongous grasshopper -- like a monster! I caught the grasshopper. Then it jumped away. Then we caught it and it crawled on my finger. When I want to touch it, it jumped away again. Then it's gone.

February 14, 2009

Make Chocolate Day

At school, I made a heart. Then I draw pictures on it. The crayons are very colourful. It's not like the other crayons. When you finish drawing it, you can put your hand on it and it turn into fog. Then we go to make chocolate. We take some little paper cups and we wait our turn. It got lot of flavours: it got strawberry, vanilla, chocolate. When it's my turn, I put a spoon at first and scoop it up and put it in the paper cup. But no chocolate fell out. It stays in the cup. Then my turn again. I dripped some chocolate on my hand (I'm not careful!) -- then I ate it! Then we made the vanilla chocolate. Then we take turns to make the vanilla chocolate. The teacher said, "You want to make chocolate or vanilla?" Then I bring it home.

February 6, 2009

元宵節 Lantern Festival at My School

I make lantern. We first go get what thing we need. Then we started to put sticky things on it. Then we put some colour paper, string, straw and pretend snow on it. Later, me and Mommy make the red bean 湯圓 (tong-yen). We put red bean in the basket and roll and roll. Sticky rice water is in the basket. We roll eight times and eight dips. We go in the creepy house. Then we eat red bean 湯圓 (tong-yen). We banged the drum. We get the toy glasses and the sunshine cookies at my school when we are leaving. It's fun.

February 4, 2009

A Kind Queen

馬皇后是一個人而且很像馬. 臉長長的, 肚子大大的像西瓜, 腳長長的像船.可是馬皇后很善良. 聽說很久很久以前, 腳越小越漂亮,越胖越漂亮. 大家都不喜歡瘦瘦的像竹竿的人. 女生只能待在家裡, 不可以給男生看到. 如果被男生看到你就要嫁給他了.

有一天, 大家都在猜燈謎, 有什麼是臉長長的,肚子像西瓜, 腳像船. 有一個人說:我知道是馬皇后. 大家都笑了起來. 但是被馬皇后的老公聽到了, 非常生氣的回家跟他的馬皇后說:我要把那兩個壞蛋抓起來.說完了就去睡覺. 馬皇后非常擔心那兩個壞蛋.如果他們被抓起來他們的爸爸, 媽媽, 哥哥, 姊姊, 妹妹, 弟弟都會很傷心.所以就請她的宮女貼紅字. 本來只有一個紅字,變為好多紅字.第二天老公起床找不到那兩個人的家,心裡想一定是我的馬皇后擔心我殺掉他們.

January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year in the Taiwan Countryside

I see 素蓮阿姨 (Aunt Su-Lien) in 員林縣 (Yuan-Lin County). I picked beans and I watched farmers plant rice in the field. I ride bicycle. I race bicycles. I go for a walk. I put things in underground and we put dirt on top of it. We put sweet potatoes and eggs and corn and one chicken [into the clay oven]. We go fishing. And then we ate them. Then we all put our things in the car to go home.