February 14, 2009

Make Chocolate Day

At school, I made a heart. Then I draw pictures on it. The crayons are very colourful. It's not like the other crayons. When you finish drawing it, you can put your hand on it and it turn into fog. Then we go to make chocolate. We take some little paper cups and we wait our turn. It got lot of flavours: it got strawberry, vanilla, chocolate. When it's my turn, I put a spoon at first and scoop it up and put it in the paper cup. But no chocolate fell out. It stays in the cup. Then my turn again. I dripped some chocolate on my hand (I'm not careful!) -- then I ate it! Then we made the vanilla chocolate. Then we take turns to make the vanilla chocolate. The teacher said, "You want to make chocolate or vanilla?" Then I bring it home.

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