February 5, 2010

Snorkeling and Swimming in Palau (帛琉)

For winter vacation we went to Palau.

I'm still afraid of that fruit bat. It was for the soup.

We found two hermit crabs. One is cute like a baby and one is big. And the big one pinched me.

We take a boat to a drop off and we swim there. That's a big drop off (in the ocean).

The water is like 300 metres deep -- like Taipei 101.

And then I saw zebra fish and little fish like tadpoles. We saw sponge coral in the water.

We swim in Jellyfish Lake. The jellyfish don't sting you.

We saw dolphins. They're trained by their master.

The dolphins (ex)changed leaves into fish to have their breakfast.

The people that climbed the coconut tree just wanted to earn money. Each coconut (is) one dollar.

I saw large sharks at the shallow water.

They only come up to bite us if we are bleeding.

And people go down to feed them.

Then we go to water motorcycle. Mommy and Lide's Mama ride the motorcycle.

In the mangrove forest...

I saw the large crab...

and the grasshoppers...

and a CUTE snail!

I played with a bow and an arrow. I only hit the ground.

We jumped up at the Palau's President's White House.

I walked at the White House to say goodbye at the White House.

Then we go to pee and I found three more hermit crabs.

[I liked going to Palau] because I can swim, play in the sand and look for hermit crabs.

I want to go to Palau again.

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